Constitutive modelling of amplitude dependent dynamic response of rubber-like materials

Yayla, Ayşe Usta
Durna, Recep
Dal, Hüsnü
Rubber-like materials are widely used in the automotive, aerospace, and naval industries. The mechanical performance of rubbery polymers can be improved by incorporating filler particles. Filled rubber exhibits an amplitude-dependent viscoelastic response under dynamic loading, a phenomenon known as the “Payne effect,” (Payne 1962). The Payne effect is characterized by a softening of the material as the amplitude of dynamic loading increases, resulting in a reduction in the storage modulus. Notably, this effect is reversible at room temperature, setting it apart from the Mullins effect. In this study, we present a novel constitutive model that accurately captures the Payne effect. The equilibrium response is modeled using an extended eight-chain framework (Dal, Gültekin, & Açıkgöz 2020), while the non-equilibrium behavior is described by quadratic free energy functions within the context of micro-sphere kinematics (Miehe & Göktepe 2005). We propose a nonlinear evolution equation for the viscous dashpot, incorporating amplitude dependency through an additional history variable based on the work of (Rendek & Lion 2010a). Our proposed evolution equation refines the Rendek-Lion formulation by accounting for loading rate-induced non-linearity in the storage modulus at high strain amplitudes. We demonstrate the model’s ability to fit experimental data collected by our group. Additionally, we discuss the algorithmic considerations for the finite element (FE) implementation and showcase the model’s numerical performance through the analysis of representative geometries.
13th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR 2024
Citation Formats
A. U. Yayla, R. Durna, and H. Dal, “Constitutive modelling of amplitude dependent dynamic response of rubber-like materials,” presented at the 13th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR 2024, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2025, Accessed: 00, 2025. [Online]. Available: