Design of An Energy Function Based Online System Stability Monitoring And Integrity Protection Scheme

Tanıdır, Özgür
Renewables, markets and growth induced complexity, challenges todays modern power systems to operate at lower security margins. System operation becomes much more vulnerable to fast shifts in the generation, less controllable due to the reducing inertia and more prone to cascading failures. Hence transient stability will become the major concern and the need for better situational awareness has become evident. In this regard, system operation immensely needs online tools for monitoring, analyzing and controlling the grid in case of disturbances. The main motivation of this study stems from a question: Is it possible to form and tune a remedial action scheme via energy function based online dynamical stability assessment for changing operating conditions?. On this point, this study aims to deal with development of an online system wide monitoring and control scheme in order to ensure system stability at all operating conditions. In this regard, first energy function based contingency ranking and transient stability assessment method that can be utilized to determine stability margins among the grid clusters and sensitivities has been developed. Then coherent grid clusters in the sense of stability, specifically margin sensitivity, are determined to form a basis for mitigating actions. Building a correct and robust set of mitigating actions for a wide possibility of operating conditions and contingencies is a cumbersome task. This study offers a new approach to this task by taking advantage of coherent grid clusters in the sense of margin sensitivities. Hence, an online adaptive remedial action scheme structure that gathers reliable actions is formed in an automatized manner which surely relieve the grid operations. In this sense, considering online forming and adaptation via margin sensitivity approach, the energy function based centralized online system integrity scheme proposed in this study is significantly different from active remedial action schemes.
Citation Formats
Ö. Tanıdır, “Design of An Energy Function Based Online System Stability Monitoring And Integrity Protection Scheme,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2025.