Indexing methods for spatial data objects and their implementation on the exodus storage manager.

Yürüten, Füsün


Indexing Fuzzy Spatiotemporal Data for Efficient Querying: A Meteorological Application
Sozer, Aziz; Yazıcı, Adnan; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S. (2015-10-01)
Spatiotemporal data, in particular fuzzy and complex spatial objects representing geographic entities and relations, is a topic of great importance in geographic information systems and environmental data management systems. For database researchers, modeling and designing a database of fuzzy spatiotemporal data and querying such a database efficiently have been challenging issues due to complex spatial features and uncertainty involved. This paper presents an integrated approach to modeling, indexing, and ...
Indexing both content and concept for high-dimensional multimedia data
Arslan, Serdar; Yazıcı, Adnan; Department of Computer Engineering (2018)
While understanding the semantic meaning of multimedia content is immediate for humans, it's far from immediate for a computer. This problem is commonly known as the semantic gap which is difference between human perception of multimedia object and extracted low-level features and it is one of the main problems in multimedia retrieval. Thus, in order to achieve better retrieval performance, low-level content features should be combined with semantic features in an efficient way. Another critical task in thi...
Index structures for flexible querying in fuzzy spatial databases
Sozer, A; Yazıcı, Adnan (2004-07-29)
Database systems can be effective only if the data are properly handled at the physical level. Therefore, it is important to develop an effective spatial and aspatial indexing technique to facilitate flexible spatial and/or aspatial querying for spatial databases. In this study we adapt a number of spatial index structures, such as Multi-level grid file (MLGF), G-tree, R-tree, and R*-tree, for fuzzy spatial databases and compare the performances of these structures for various flexible queries.
Index Properties and Classification of Marginal Fills or Coarse-Fine Mixtures
Huvaj Sarıhan, Nejan; Ekici, Anll; Akgüner, Cem (2019-01-01)
© 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.The behavior of soil under loading is strongly influenced, and in some cases governed, by the relative percentage of coarse and fine particles. There are many intermediate graded soils whose response simply cannot be explained by "granular (non-cohesive)" versus "clayey (cohesive)" soil behavior. These soils have been commonly referred to as marginal fills. The limiting fines content when soil behavior changes from coarse-grained to fine-grained-dominated (i.e. fin...
Querying Fuzzy Spatiotemporal Databases: Implementation Issues
Soezer, Aziz; Yazıcı, Adnan; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Petry, Frederick E. (2010-01-01)
Modeling and querying spatiotemporal data, in particular fuzzy and complex spatial objects representing geographic entities and relations are challenging topics that have many applications in geographic information systems. In a recent article the authors have presented an approach to these problems. The present chapter focuses on the issues that arise from implementing this approach. As a case study the implementation of a meteorological database application that combines an object-oriented database with a...
Citation Formats
F. Yürüten, “Indexing methods for spatial data objects and their implementation on the exodus storage manager.,” Middle East Technical University, 1993.