Cold plasma-bunched beam interaction plasma wake field accelerator case

Rhimi, Mohamed Nazih


Pressure, gas ratio and operation voltage optimization of a helium-neon laser
Bilgili, Hulusi Birol; Esendemir, Akif; Department of Physics (2005)
Aim of this thesis is to investigate the optimum working parameters of a helium-neon laser. Partial pressure ratios, total pressures of the gases and voltage-current characteristics were studied. The analysis of the results includes the minor factors (impurity, volume, etc.) and their effects to main parameters (laser power, voltage, current). Tables, which were formed by measured optical parameters as wavelength and power, converted to graphs and from these graphs optimal working conditions for the laser a...
An evaluation of Time for English 4, the 4th grade English course book for public schools
Özdemir, Fatma Esra; Enginarlar, Hüsnü; Department of English Language Teaching (2007)
The purpose of this study was to find out the how the fourth grade students in public schools and the fourth grade English teachers evaluated the English coursebook Time for English 4 in terms of purpose, approach, visual design, presentation of vocabulary and language, practice activities and exercises, supporting sources, and supporting materials. To fulfill this aim, a teacher questionnaire, a student questionnaire and a teacher interview was prepared by the researcher. The questionnaires were administer...
A comparative analysis of perimeter, area and volume topics in the selected sixth, seventh and eighth grades mathematics textbooks from Turkey, Singapore and the United States
Özdoğan, Serpil; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2010)
The purpose of this study was to compare selected sixth, seventh and eighth grades mathematics textbooks from Turkey, Singapore and the United States of America and explore their implications for presenting same opportunity to learn to the students at the same grade level. In this study, the selected books were analyzed in terms of whether they included perimeter, area and volume topics, how they presented the topics on the basis of the selected features and the complexity of to-be-solved mathematical probl...
Carbon regulated supply chain management
Cansız, Selcan; Bayındır, Zeynep Pelin; Tan, Tarkan; Department of Industrial Engineering (2010)
In this study, carbon dioxide emissions resulting from transportation are assessed, carbon emission reduction opportunities in the current service supply chain design of Cisco Systems, Inc. are explored. Among these opportunities, changing transport mode from a high-carbon transport mode to a low-carbon transport mode is found to be the most promising option and is scrutinized. The effect of transportation mode change on carbon emission and expected total cost are scrutinized by developing a mathematical mo...
Rate-distortion optimization for stereoscopic video streaming with unequal error protection
Tan, A. Serdar; Aksay, Anil; Akar, Gözde; ARIKAN, ERDAL (2009-01-01)
We consider an error-resilient stereoscopic streaming system that uses an H.264-based multiview video codec and a rateless Raptor code for recovery from packet losses. One aim of the present work is to suggest a heuristic methodology for modeling the end-to-end rate-distortion (RD) characteristic of such a system. Another aim is to show how to make use of such a model to optimally select the parameters of the video codec and the Raptor code to minimize the overall distortion. Specifically, the proposed syst...
Citation Formats
M. N. Rhimi, “Cold plasma-bunched beam interaction plasma wake field accelerator case,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1991.