Vm - Ve Oscillation search in CHARM-II experiment at CERN

Serin Zeyrek, Meltem


Video Content Analysis Using Dominant Sets
Sakarya, Ufuk; TELATAR, ZİYA (2009-04-11)
In this paper, a graph-based method for video content analysis is proposed The characteristics of the detected shots are investigated for news, commercial, animated cartoon, basketball and documentary videos and experimental studies are realized on these videos. The maximum clique on the weighted and undirected graph, which is constructed according to visual content, is tried being detected. it is inferred that specially in news and commercials, the proposed method can be used for temporal video segmentation.
Image segmentation with unified region and boundary characteristics within recursive shortest spanning tree
Esen, E.; Alp, Y. K. (2007-06-13)
The lack of boundary information in region based image segmentation algorithms resulted in many hybrid methods that integrate the complementary information sources of region and boundary, in order to increase the segmentation performance. In compliance with this trend, we propose a novel method to unify the region and boundary characteristics within the canonical Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree algorithm. The main idea is to incorporate the boundary information in the distance metric of RSST with minor cha...
Cigla, Cevahir; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (2008-01-01)
A graph theoretic color image segmentation algorithm is proposed, in which the popular normalized cuts image segmentation method is improved with modifications on its graph structure. The image is represented by a weighted undirected graph, whose nodes correspond to over-segmented regions, instead of pixels, that decreases the complexity of the overall algorithm. In addition, the link weights between the nodes are calculated through the intensity similarities of the neighboring regions. The irregular distri...
Multi-image region growing for integrating disparity maps
Leloglu, UĞUR MURAT; Halıcı, Uğur (1999-01-01)
In this paper, a multi-image region growing algorithm to obtain planar 3-D surfaces in the object space from multiple dense disparity maps, is presented. A surface patch is represented by a plane equation and a set of pixels in multiple images. The union of back projections of all pixels in the set onto the infinite plane, forms the surface patch. Thanks to that hybrid representation of planar surfaces, region growing (both region aggregation and region merging) is performed on all images simultaneously. Pl...
NonLocal via Local-NonLinear via Linear: A New Part-coding Distance Field via Screened Poisson Equation
Genctav, Murat; Genctav, Asli; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (2016-06-01)
Interesting phenomena in shape perception is nonlocal and nonlinear. Thus, it is crucial that a shape perception system exhibits a nonlocal and nonlinear behaviour. From the computational point of view, however, neither nonlinearity nor nonlocality is desired. We propose a repeated use of Screened Poisson PDE (leading to a sparse linear system) to compute a part coding and extracting distance field, a mapping from the shape domain to the real line. Despite local and linear computations, the field exhibits h...
Citation Formats
M. Serin Zeyrek, “Vm - Ve Oscillation search in CHARM-II experiment at CERN,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1992.