Colliding Abelian gauge plane waves

Karasu (Kalkanlı), E Ayşe


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Hidden sector through dark higgs: a nonminimal extension
Çıngıloğlu, Kıvanç Yiğit; Turan, İsmail; Department of Physics (2018)
In this thesis, a non-minimal extension of the SM with an additional non-abelian SU(2) symmetry is studied. Hidden sector opens innumerable portals for apprehension of theories beyond the SM, hence there is a wide set of gauge extensions with their own symmetries, providing viable DM candidates. Higgs mechanism and Higgs particle play a crucial role to understand how DM weakly interacts with the SM particles. There may exist unrevealed intensity frontiers in Higgs’ decay modes, and the DM can show up throug...
Citation Formats
E. A. Karasu (Kalkanlı), “Colliding Abelian gauge plane waves,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1990.