Quasi-three-dimentional analysis and design turbomachinery blades with boundary layer coupling

Ekici, Kıvanç


Quasi-three-dimensional numerical design of turbomachinery blades
Uzol, Oğuz; Akmandor, İ. Sinan; Göğüş, Yalçın; Department of Aeronautical Engineering (1995)
Quasi-static analysis of soil-pile interaction under earthquake loading
Büyüklü, Merih; Bakır, Sadık; Yener, Özkan; Department of Civil Engineering (1999)
Quasi-dynamic model for an organic Rankine cycle
Bamgbopa, Musbaudeen O.; Uzgoren, Eray (Elsevier BV, 2013-08-01)
When considering solar based thermal energy input to an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), intermittent nature of the heat input does not only adversely affect the power output but also it may prevent ORC to operate under steady state conditions. In order to identify reliability and efficiency of such systems, this paper presents a simplified transient modeling approach for an ORC operating under variable heat input. The approach considers that response of the system to heat input variations is mainly dictated by...
Quasi-incompressible and quasi-inextensible element and material formulation for an isotropic medium
Rodoplu, Burak; Dal, Hüsnü; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2018)
The contribution presents a novel finite element formulation for quasi-inextensible and quasi-incompressible finite hyperelastic behavior of transversely anisotropic materialsandaddressesitscomputationalaspects. Theformulationispresentedinpurely Eulerian setting and based on the additive decomposition of the free energy function into isotropic and anisotropic parts where the isotropic part is further decomposed intoisochoricandvolumetricparts. Forthequasi-incompressibleresponse,theQ1P0 element formulation is ...
Quasi-static nonlinear seismic assessment of a fourth century A.D. Roman Aqueduct in Istanbul, Turkey
Gonen, Semih; Pulatsu, Bora; Erdogmus, Ece; Karaesmen, Engin; Karaesmen, Erhan (2021-01-01)
The majority of architectural heritage consists of load-bearing masonry components made up of stone units and relatively weak mortar joints, yielding potential weak planes for masonry structures where tension and shear failures are expected to occur. Advanced nonlinear analyses are required to simulate these phenomena and predict the corresponding nonlinear structural behavior of historic masonry constructions. In this context, this paper presents a model of a stone masonry Roman aqueduct (the Valens Aquedu...
Citation Formats
K. Ekici, “Quasi-three-dimentional analysis and design turbomachinery blades with boundary layer coupling,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.