Electron spin resonance studies on normal and tumurous human whole blood, plasma and cellular blood.

Erson, Cevher Kudrettin


Electron spin resonance spectra of certain gamma-irradiated organic crystals.
Kılıç, Soner; Baysal, Bahattin; Department of Chemistry (1980)
ESR studies of the free radicals produced by UV-light on the surfaces of some crystalline monomers and polymeric materials.
Ramelow, Ülkü; Baysal, Bahattin; Department of Chemistry (1978)
Synthesizing germanium and silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon dioxide by magnetron sputtering technique
Alagöz, Arif Sinan; Turan, Raşit; Department of Physics (2007)
Applications of semiconductor nanocrystal in electronics are promising. Various techniques were developed to synthesize and analyze semiconductor nanocrystals for integrated circuit applications. In this study, silicon and germanium nanocrystals were synthesized in silicon dioxide matrix by magnetron sputtering deposition and following high temperature furnace annealing. Multilayer and single layer samples were prepared by co-sputtering depositions. Transmission electron microscopy measurements were carried...
Electromagnetic Scattering from Obstacles in the Near Field Region of Electrically Large Arrays
Cetin, Ramazan; Aydın Çivi, Hatice Özlem; Nepa, Paolo; Manara, Giuliano (2009-09-18)
In this paper, an efficient method for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering/radiation from the obstacles nearby electrically large array antennas, with nonuniform excitation, is proposed. The approach is based on the combination of a ray field representation of electrically large arrays and a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) based representation of array current distribution. Proposed method is applied to a 2D problem: Radiation of a linear array of 2N+1 infinitely long current elements with tapered c...
Partial purification and characterization of arylamine N-acetyltransferases from human breast tumor tissues
Su, Yaşasın Senem; Güray, Tülin; Department of Biochemistry (2006)
Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) were partially purified from human breast tumor tissues with complete separation of the isoforms in DEAE-Cellulose ion-exchange step. NAT with activity towards p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) was isolated and purified from human breast tumor with 77 % yield and a purification factor of 5-fold. NAT with activity towards sulfamethazine (SMZ) was isolated and purified from human breast tumor with 21 % yield and a purification factor of 3-fold. Further purification attempts by B...
Citation Formats
C. K. Erson, “Electron spin resonance studies on normal and tumurous human whole blood, plasma and cellular blood.,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 1980.