Efficient decoding algorithms for block coded modulation.

Işıklı, Ali


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Çakmak, Cumhur; Schmidt, Şenan Ece; Schmidt, Klaus Verner; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2017)
Recently, near-field ultra-wideband radar imaging algorithms have an important place in short range imaging applications by providing high resolution in both range and cross-range. In this study, the near-field ultra-wideband radar imaging algorithms in the literature such as Holographic Image Reconstruction Algorithm, Range Migration Algorithm, MIMO Based Range Migration Algorithm and MIMO Based Kirchhoff Migration Algorithm have been implemented using MATLAB. The algorithms are applied to modeled transmit...
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Abou Rajab, H; Yucel, MD (1999-06-01)
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Açar, Esra; Yazıcı, Adnan; Department of Computer Engineering (2008)
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Biçen, K. Berat; Ergül, Rüyal; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1994)
Citation Formats
A. Işıklı, “Efficient decoding algorithms for block coded modulation.,” Middle East Technical University, 1992.