The Fit of the one-, two-, and three-parameter models of item response theory (IRT) to The Ministry of National Education secondary education institutions student selection and placement test data

Çelik, Duran


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The fit of one, two, three parameter models of item response theory (IRT) to the student selection test (SST)of the student selection and placement center (SSPC)
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Senocak, Erdal; Baloğlu, Mustafa (2014-01-01)
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In the literature, studies showed that self-efficacy of cancer patients are related to their quality of life in different domains. Considering the need of a scale measuring cancer related self-efficacy in Turkish culture, the objective of the current study was to examine psychometric reliability and validity of Cancer Behavior Inventory (CBI) in Turkish cancer patients. One-hundred and twenty cancer patients participated in the study. In addition to CBI, participants were administered Beck Depression Invent...
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Citation Formats
D. Çelik, “The Fit of the one-, two-, and three-parameter models of item response theory (IRT) to The Ministry of National Education secondary education institutions student selection and placement test data,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.