Minimal siply connected symplectic 4-manifolds with a canonical class represented by disjoint unions of symplectic surfaces.

Özer, Arda Buğra


Minimal non-FC-groups and coprime automorphisms of quasi-simple groups
Ersoy, Kıvanç; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut; Department of Mathematics (2004)
A group G is called an FC-group if the conjugacy class of every element is finite. G is called a minimal non-FC-group if G is not an FC-group, but every proper subgroup of G is an FC-group. The first part of this thesis is on minimal non-FC-groups and their finitary permutational representations. Belyaev proved in 1998 that, every perfect locally finite minimal non-FC-group has non-trivial finitary permutational representation. In Chapter 3, we write the proof of Belyaev in detail. Recall that a group G is ...
Minimal number of singular fibers in a Lefschetz fibration
Korkmaz, Mustafa (American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2001-01-01)
There exists a (relatively minimal) genus g Lefschetz fibration with only one singular fiber over a closed (Riemann) surface of genus h iff g greater than or equal to 3 and h greater than or equal to 2. The singular fiber can be chosen to be reducible or irreducible. Other results are that every Dehn twist on a closed surface of genus at least three is a product of two commutators and no Dehn twist on any closed surface is equal to a single commutator.
Minimally Stochastic Schemes for Singular Diffusion Equations
Burgeth, Bernhard; Weıckert, Joachım; Tarı, Zehra Sibel (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007-01-01)
Maximal Green Sequences of Exceptional Finite Mutation Type Quivers
Seven, Ahmet İrfan (2014-01-01)
Maximal green sequences are particular sequences of mutations of quivers which were introduced by Keller in the context of quantum dilogarithm identities and independently by Cecotti-Cordova-Vafa in the context of supersymmetric gauge theory. The existence of maximal green sequences for exceptional finite mutation type quivers has been shown by Alim-Cecotti-Cordova-Espahbodi-Rastogi-Vafa except for the quiver X-7. In this paper we show that the quiver X-7 does not have any maximal green sequences. We also g...
Maximal green sequences of skew-symmetrizable 3 x 3 matrices
Seven, Ahmet İrfan (2014-01-01)
Maximal green sequences are particular sequences of mutations of skew-symmetrizable matrices which were introduced by Keller in the context of quantum dilogarithm identities and independently by Cecotti-Cordova-Vafa in the context of supersymmetric gauge theory. In this paper we study maximal green sequences of skew-symmetrizable 3 x 3 matrices. We show that such a matrix with a mutation-cyclic diagram does not have any maximal green sequence. We also obtain some basic properties of maximal green sequences ...
Citation Formats
A. B. Özer, “Minimal siply connected symplectic 4-manifolds with a canonical class represented by disjoint unions of symplectic surfaces.,” Middle East Technical University, 2002.