The transformation of urban waterfronts in Istanbul and evaluation of the golden horn arsenals

Gedikli, Ayşe Pınar


Türkiye Batı Ege Bölgesi’nde Sosyal ve Çevresel Değişime Karşı Hasar Görebilirlik Değerlendirmesi
Kozaman, Senem (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2017-6-15)
Doğal değerlerin yoğun olduğu alanlar; bu değerlerin sürdürülebilirliği için koruma politikalarına konu olurken, diğer taraftan çevresel kaynakların çekiciliği nedeniyle artan nüfusun ve gereksinimlerinin yaratmış olduğu antropojenik baskı ve değişime maruz kalmaktadır. Özellikle kaynaklarıyla birçok ekosistem hizmeti sağlayan kıyı alanlarında küresel ölçekte son yüzyıldır çevresel değişimler yoğunluk göstermektedir. Sürdürülebilirliği kısıtlayan daimi tüketim eğilimi, çevresel bozulmalara ve kirliliğe nede...
The performance evaluation and persistence of a type mutual funds in Turkey
Yalçın, Özge; Küçükkaya, Halit Engin; Department of Business Administration (2012)
Literature reveals studies on mutual fund performance analysis and persistency, with various results. Some studies support hort term performance persistence, while the rest claiming no such persistency among the portfolios. This thesis is an attempt to analyze the performances of Turkish open-end mutual funds for the period of 2003-2010 and search for persistency by extending the time period to June 2011. For performance evaluation, single factor CAPM and ama-French’s Three Factor Model are applied. Persist...
The Assessment of seismic performance of multi-span highway bridges in Turkey including column deterioration
Ocak, Canan Elif; Caner, Alp; Department of Civil Engineering (2016)
Considering the latest three major earthquakes occurred in Turkey, the performance of the bridges could be evaluated as successful. Bridges are one of the most important members of transportation network and it is important for them to survive during earthquakes. Contrary to the general belief, minimum damage during earthquakes mean very high safety factors included to the design rather than a success. Up to now, the bridges designed in Turkey are based on AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and T...
The assessment of deep excavation performance of a high rise residential complex, in Bayrakli, Izmir
Turgut, Atalay Mert; Çetin, Kemal Önder; Department of Civil Engineering (2022-6-10)
The need to deep excavation projects is increasing with urbanization. Consistently the excavation depths are also increasing. Therefore, the optimum design of the excavation system becomes more important. An optimum design of an excavation system can be developed with the selection of a suitable excavation system in terms of quality, duration, and cost and with the estimation of representative soil properties. On the other hand, the cost of the deep excavation systems has become a significant portion of the...
The assessment of socio-economic impacts of climate change in rural areas: the case of Konya
Özgür, Busen; Balaban, Osman; Department of City and Regional Planning (2019)
Climate change and its related events have made significant impacts on rural areas in socio-economic as well as environmental terms. Even though agriculture sector is a cause of climate change, agricultural production itself has also been adversely affected by the climate problem. Climate change also affects rural development and conservation policies in terms of the problem it causes such as natural disasters, migration, poverty, diseases, and food security. Moreover, the rural and agricultural impacts of ...
Citation Formats
A. P. Gedikli, “The transformation of urban waterfronts in Istanbul and evaluation of the golden horn arsenals,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2002.