Turkish-Bulgarian relations in the post-cold war era

Kalaitzaki, Theodora


Turkish-Iranian relations in the post-cold war era: 1991-1996
Yüksel, Emir Salim; Altunışık, Meliha; Department of International Relations (1998)
Turkish-Israeli relations in the post-cold war era: prospects for regional cooperation
Anıl, Işıl; Altunışık, Meliha; Department of International Relations (2000)
Turkish-Saudi relations: from a regional perspective in the period from 2003 until 2013
Ellithy, Amr Mohamed Hassan; Altunışık, Meliha; Department of International Relations (2015)
The thesis aims to understand how the relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia evolved in the 2000s, through applying the regional level of analysis. It looks at interaction between these two regional powers in the Middle East after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the Arab uprisings in 2011 in a comparative way through examining the regional contexts created after these events and how the foreign policy of Turkey and Saudi Arabia reacted to these contexts. The thesis tries to figure out how the regiona...
Turkish-American relations from 1964 to 1980: the period of crisis
Kalender, Yasemin Ece; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (2019)
Turkey and the USA, allies under the umbrella of NATO since 1952, witnessed certain disagreements from 1964 to 1980, unlike the period from 1947 to 1964 which was the “golden age” or full convergence of Turkish-American relations. Amicable relations between the two states had a certain breakdown when the Johnson Letter received by the Turkish Prime Minister İsmet İnönü in 1964. The historic letter led a period of crisis until 1980 when the military coup d’etat took place in Turkey. The period was the almost...
Turkish-Iranian relations in the post-arab spring period: a historical sociological/foreign policy analysis
MacGillivray, Iain William; Göçer Akder, Derya; Department of Middle East Studies (2017)
This thesis offers a Historical-Sociological (HS) and Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) of the development of Iranian-Turkish relations in the post-Arab Spring period from 2011-2016. This thesis seeks to explore the changes and continuities that have affected Turkish-Iranian relations by looking through the prism of Historical Sociology and Foreign Policy Analysis. Firstly, this thesis will explore the background to the Turkey-Iran relationship from 1979-2011 and outline the historical path dependencies that ha...
Citation Formats
T. Kalaitzaki, “Turkish-Bulgarian relations in the post-cold war era,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.