Gamma Ray Attenuation in Soil

Özeş, Ferhan


Gamma spectrometric measurement of Cs137 radioactivity deposited in soil and calculation of the external exposure rate arising therefrom
Çakır, Nihal; Yeşin, Tülay; Department of Nuclear Engineering (1988)
Radiation effect on polyadenylic acid in aqueous solution
Testereci, H. Nur; Usanmaz, Ali; Department of Chemistry (1993)
Radiation effect studies on partially crystalline bulk amorphous Fe-based metallic glass
Kiceci, Pelin Uslu; Akdeniz, Mahmut Vedat; Demirköz, Melahat Bilge; Mehrabov, Amdulla (2022-02-01)
The selection of appropriate materials for radiation environments is critical due to the harsh and aggressive conditions found in such environments, which are liable to degrade material properties. Therefore, durability of materials should be tested before being deployed. In this respect, proton tests are required for the materials to be used in the space environment because dominant galactic cosmic rays mostly comprised high energy protons. Bulk metallic glasses are candidate for space environment due to t...
Radiation damage studies of bulk metallic glass materials under proton irradiation and radioprotection studies for METU-DBL
Uslu, Pelin; Akdeniz, M. Vedat.; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2019)
Suitable material selection is critical for the sustainability of missions in radiation environments. Radiation tests are required for candidate materials before being used in these environments. While neutron and heavy ion tests are often performed on materials intended for the nuclear reactors, proton tests are necessary for space applications due to them being the dominant radiation. Generally, crystalline materials are used in radiation environments but, new material search is ongoing. One of such new g...
Gamma-ray spectroscopy and multipolarity measurements of the proton-rich nucleus ⁹ₑRu
Aktaş, Özge; Yılmaz, Osman; Ataç Nyberg, Ayşe; Department of Physics (2013)
Hydrogenated nano/micro-cystalline silicon (nc-/c-Si:H) thin films are the key materials for Si-based thin film solar cell technology. These films have attracted great attention due to their applications in thin film solar cells. Silicon phase transition from amorphous to nano/micro-crystalline phase is an important phenomenon, especially in progress of Si thin film tandem structured solar cells. It is well-accepted fact that the development of deposition phase diagrams allows phase engineering for systema...
Citation Formats
F. Özeş, “Gamma Ray Attenuation in Soil,” Middle East Technical University, 1989.