Uniform Parallel machine scheduling with family set-up times

Tamer, Meral
In this study, we address the scheduling problem of uniform parallel machines with family set-up times so as to minimize the total completion time. We develop a branch and jound algorithm that employs an efficient branching scheme. A bounding mechanism is jroposed to increase the efficiency of this algorithm. Our computational experiment shows hat the optimal solution is found in reasonable CPU times up to 15 jobs. Further experiments »re conducted to test the bounding mechanisms and this experiment indicates that upper and ower bounds are tight enough to approximate the value of the optimal solution.


Preemptive scheduling on identical parallel machines subject to deadlines
Azizoğlu, Meral (2003-07-01)
We consider the problem of scheduling n preemptive jobs with deadlines on in identical parallel machines so as to minimize total completion time. We show that the problem is polynomially solvable when the processing times and deadlines are agreeable.
On the minimization of total weighted flow time with identical and uniform parallel machines
Azizoğlu, Meral (1999-02-16)
We consider the NP-hard problem of scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines to minimize total weighted flow time. We discuss the properties that characterize the structure of an optimal solution, present a lower bound and propose a branch and bound algorithm. The algorithm is superior to prior methods presented in the literature. We also extend the algorithm to uniform parallel machines and solve medium-sized problem instances.
Parallel machine scheduling with family setup times to minimize total flowtime
Azizoğlu, Meral; Kondakci, Suna (International Forum of Management Scholars (INFOMS), 2002-12-01)
In this study, we consider parallel machine scheduling problem with family setup times. Our criterion is to minimize total flowtime. We develop a branch and bound algorithm using an efficient branching scheme and powerful lower and upper bounds. Our computational experiment has shown that the algorithm finds optimal solutions to moderate-sized problems in reasonable CPU times.
Dynamic programming algorithms for scheduling parallel machines with family setup times
Webster, Scott; Azizoğlu, Meral (Elsevier BV, 2001-2)
We address the problem of scheduling jobs with family setup times on identical parallel machines to minimize total weighted flowtime. We present two dynamic programming algorithms - a backward algorithm and a forward algorithm - and we identify characteristics of problems where each algorithm is best suited. We also derive two properties that improve the computational efficiency of the algorithms. Scope and purpose While most production schedulers must balance conflicting goals of high system efficiency and...
Scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines to minimize regular total cost functions
Azizoğlu, Meral; Kirca, O (1999-02-01)
In this paper we consider unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems that involve the minimization of regular total cost functions. We first present some properties of optimal solutions and then provide a lower bound. These mechanisms are tested on the well-known practical problem of minimizing total weighted flow time on unrelated parallel machines. In doing so, we design a branch and bound algorithm incorporating the mechanisms derived for the general total cost function along with the ones derived sp...
Citation Formats
M. Tamer, “Uniform Parallel machine scheduling with family set-up times,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2003.