Interactive solution procedure for full potential and boundary layer equations

Hacıoğlu, Abdurrahman


Interactive Algorithms for Finding Preferred Solutions under Weighted Tchebycheff Preference Functions
Karakaya, Gülşah (2021-08-23)
Interactive algorithms for a wide variety of preference functions
Karakaya, Gülşah; Ahipaşaoğlu, Selin Damla (2016-11-16)
The advances in the technological infrastructure and in the Internet led electronic auctions to become popular. With online sites, people buy/sell inexpensive products/services through auctions. In this paper, we develop an interactive approach that provides aid to both the buyer and the bidders in a bi-attribute, multi-item auction environment. Our approach is applicable for both reverse and forward auctions. We test our approach for underlying linear preference functions of the buyer. We also adapt it as ...
Interactive classification of satellite image content based on query by example
Dalay, Oral; Atalay, Mehmet Volkan; Department of Computer Engineering (2005)
In our attempt to construct a semantic filter for satellite image content, we have built a software that allows user to indicate a few number of image regions that contains a specific geographical object, such as, a bridge, and to retrieve similar objects on the same satellite image. We are particularly interested in performing a data analysis approach based on user interaction. User can guide the classification procedure by interaction and visual observation of the results. We have applied a two step proce...
Interactive algorithms for a broad underlying family of preference functions
Karakaya, Gülşah; AHİPAŞAOĞLU, Selin Damla (Elsevier BV, 2018-02-16)
In multi-criteria decision making approaches it is typical to consider an underlying preference function that is assumed to represent the decision maker's preferences. In this paper we introduce a broad family of preference functions that can represent a wide variety of preference structures. We develop the necessary theory and interactive algorithms for both the general family of the preference functions and for its special cases. The algorithms guarantee to find the most preferred solution (point) of the ...
Interactive Approaches to Multiple Criteria Sorting Problems: Entropy-Based Question Selection Methods
Özarslan, Ali; Karakaya, Gülşah (2022-08-01)
In this study, interactive approaches for sorting alternatives evaluated on multiple criteria are developed. The possible category ranges of alternatives are defined by mathematical models iteratively under the assumption that the preferences of the decision maker (DM) are consistent with an additive utility function. Simulation-based and model-based parameter generation methods are proposed to hypothetically assign the alternatives to categories. A practical approach to solve the incompatibility problem of...
Citation Formats
A. Hacıoğlu, “Interactive solution procedure for full potential and boundary layer equations,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.