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The prediction of psychological distress following a romantic relationship dissolution : relationship characteristics,problem solving skills, and self-esteem
Uzgel, Burcu
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The main purpose of the present study was to investigate whether gender, certain relationship characteristics (time elapsed since the dissolution, being the dissolver or the sufferer part, duration of the relationship, sexuality, the broken relationship being the first relationship ever, any present partner, importance of the relationship, importance of the dissolution), problem solving skills, and self- esteem were predictors of psychological distress following a romantic relationship dissolution. It was also aimed to examine the relationships between some relationship characteristics (duration of the relationship, and time elapsed since the dissolution), and psychological distress. The sample consisted of 213 Middle East Technical University students who were out of a romantic relationship within the last year. The data were gathered by administering Problem Solving Inventory, Brief Symptom Inventory, Rosenberg̕ s Self- Esteem Scale, and Demographic Information Form. Multiple hierarchical regression analyses, and analyses of variance were conducted to test the aims of the study. According to the results of the study, the importance of the dissolution, the status of any present partner, time elapsed since the dissolution, impulsive style of problem solving skills, and self- esteem were found as significant predictors of psychological distress following a romantic relationship dissolution. On the other hand, it was found that gender, duration of the relationship, sexuality, being the dissolver or the sufferer, importance of the relationship, the broken relationship being the first relationship ever, and and the remaining five subscales (reflective style, avoidant style, monitoring, problem- solving confidence, planfulness) of problem solving skills did not emerge as significant predictors of psychological distress. In addition, time elapsed since the dissolution
Subject Keywords
Psychology M.S. thesis
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
B. Uzgel, “The prediction of psychological distress following a romantic relationship dissolution : relationship characteristics,problem solving skills, and self-esteem,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.