Urban Alevilik : self perception on the two neighborhoods in Ankara

Fırat, Kamil
Based on field research carried out in two neighborhoods of Ankara, the primary aim of this study is to explore urban Alevilik and its basic characteristics as perceived by the Alevis which is compared with traditional Alevilik and its features as perceived by the Alevis in urban setting. Additionally, this study is to examine the basic factors that are behind the differences in perceptions of the Alevis, if there are some significant differences in the perception of Alevis regarding these subjects. In this context, a field research that consisted of 208 questionnaires that were applied to the Alevis who are syncretistic religious community and 6 in-depth interviews was carried out in order to examine the basic questions of this study in Ankara. Furthermore, I divided the respondents into four groups, according to whether state of membership of any Alevi association or not and the place of residence which based on different class positions, so that I could make a comparison between these groups. Besides age, educational level and ethnic origin of the respondents, whether or not state of membership of any Alevi association significantly affect the contents of Alevilik, its social and religious institutions and basic rituals as perceived by the Alevis. On the other hand, there is no meaningful relationship between the perceptions of Alevilik and its religious and social institutions and rituals and the place of residence of the respondents.


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Citation Formats
K. Fırat, “Urban Alevilik : self perception on the two neighborhoods in Ankara ,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2004.