A Computer program: steel selection based on hardenability requirements

Demirhan, Uğur


A computer program for planning and controlling the resources and costs in progress based scheduling technique
Olcay, Vehbi; Özdoğan, Yasemin; Şahmalı, Erkan; Department of Civil Engineering (1991)
A computer program for the analysis of 1-D contaminant migration through a soil layer
Çokça, Erdal (Elsevier BV, 2003-01-01)
The physical and chemical processes that influence contaminant transport through a saturated soil layer are presented. The computer program (1DContr) was developed based on existing analytical solutions for one-dimensional transport of contaminants in a saturated soil layer. The computer program is given for pulse and continuous source. The formulation includes advective and dispersive transport as well as sorption and first order transformation. The computer program that is based on analytical solutions is...
A course delivery method by using a software to predict contaminant migration through a soil layer
AKTAŞ, Tugce; Çokça, Erdal (2018-09-01)
The authors propose a course delivery method for the contaminant transport through a saturated soil layer to explain contamination of soils in the Environmental Geotechnology course. In civil and environmental engineering education, analytical simulation models help students to understand the processes. MATLAB copy-based simulation method is proposed in this paper, to enhance learning of students of contaminant migration phenomena, and the simulation program is written by the students within the course base...
A security management system design
Önder, Hulusi; Onay, Lamia Zeynep; Department of Business Administration (2007)
This thesis analyzes the difficulties of managing the security of an enterprise network. The problem that this thesis study deals with is the central management of a large number and variety of services that provide organization-wide network and information security. This study addresses two problem areas: how to better manage the security of a network, and how to explain the security issues to upper management better. The study proposes a Security Management System (SMS) to be used for network security man...
A genetic algorithmfor structural optimization
Taşkınoğlu, Evren Eyüp; Oral, Süha; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2006)
In this study, a design procedure incorporating a genetic algorithm (GA) is developed for optimization of structures. The objective function considered is the total weight of the structure. The objective function is minimized subjected to displacement and strength requirements. In order to evaluate the design constraints, finite element analysis are performed either by using conventional finite element solvers (i.e. MSC/NASTRAN®) or by using in-house codes. The application of the algorithm is shown by a num...
Citation Formats
U. Demirhan, “A Computer program: steel selection based on hardenability requirements,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.