Production optimization of a gas condensate reservoir using a black oil simulator and nodal system analysis: a case study

Mindek, Cem
In a natural gas field, determining the life of the field and deciding the best production technique, meeting the economical considerations is the most important criterion. In this study, a field in Thrace Basin was chosen. Available reservoir data was compiled to figure out the characteristics of the field. The data, then, formatted to be used in the commercial simulator, IMEX, a subprogram of CMG (Computer Modeling Group). The data derived from the reservoir data, used to perform a history match between the field production data and the results of the simulator for a 3 year period between May 2002 and January 2005. After obtaining satisfactory history matching, it was used as a base for future scenarios. Four new scenarios were designed and run to predict future production of the field. Two new wells were defined for the scenarios after determining the best region in history matching. Scenario 1 continues production with existing wells, Scenario 2 includes a new well called W6, Scenario 3 includes another new well, W7 and Scenario 4 includes both new defined wells, W6 and W7. All the scenarios were allowed to continue until 2010 unless the wellhead pressure drops to 500 psi. None of the existing wells reached 2010 but newly defined wells achieved to be on production in 2010. After comparing all scenarios, Scenario 4, production with two new defined wells, W6 and W7, was found to give best performance until 2010. During the scenario 4, between January 2005 and January 2010, 7,632 MMscf gas was produced. The total gas production is 372 MMscf more than Scenario 2, the second best scenario which has a total production of 7,311MMscf. Scenario 3 had 7,260 MMscf and Scenario 1 had 6,821 MMscf respectively. A nodal system analysis is performed in order to see whether the initial flow rates of the wells are close to the optimum flow rates of the wells, Well 1 is found to


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Citation Formats
C. Mindek, “Production optimization of a gas condensate reservoir using a black oil simulator and nodal system analysis: a case study,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2005.