User modeling in mobile environment

Alkılıçgil, Erdem
The popularity of e-commerce sites and applications that use recommendations and user modeling is increased recently. The development and contest in tourism calls attention of large-scale IT companies. These companies have started to work on recommendation systems and user modeling on tourism sector. Some of the clustering methodologies, neighboring methods and machine learning algorithms are commenced to use for making predictions about tourist̕s interests while he/she is traveling around the city. Recommendation ability is the most interesting thing for a tourist guide application. Recommender systems are composed of two main approaches, collaborative and content-based filtering. Collaborative filtering algorithms look for people that have similar interests and properties, while contentbased filtering methods pay attention to sole user̕s interests and properties to make recommendations. Both of the approaches have advantages and disadvantages, for that reason sometimes these two approaches are used together. Chosen method directly affects the recommendation quality, so advantages and disadvantages of both methods will be examined carefully. Recommendation of locations or services can be seen as a classification problem. Artificial intelligent systems like neural networks, genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization algorithms, artificial immune systems are inspired from natural life and can be used as classifier systems. Artificial immune system, inspired from human immune system, has ability to classify huge numbers of different patterns. In this paper ESGuide, a tourist guide application that uses artificial immune system is examined. ESGuide application is a client-server application that helps tourists while they are traveling around the city. ESGuide has two components: Map agent and recommender agent. Map agent helps the tourist while he/she interacts with


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Citation Formats
E. Alkılıçgil, “User modeling in mobile environment,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2005.