A clustering method for the problem of protein subcellular localization

Bezek, Perit
In this study, the focus is on predicting the subcellular localization of a protein, since subcellular localization is helpful in understanding a protein’s functions. Function of a protein may be estimated from its sequence. Motifs or conserved subsequences are strong indicators of function. In a given sample set of protein sequences known to perform the same function, a certain subsequence or group of subsequences should be common; that is, occurrence (frequency) of common subsequences should be high. Our idea is to find the common subsequences through clustering and use these common groups (implicit motifs) to classify proteins. To calculate the distance between two subsequences, traditional string edit distance is modified so that only replacement is allowed and the cost of replacement is related to an amino acid substitution matrix. Based on the modified string edit distance, spectral clustering embeds the subsequences into some transformed space for which the clustering problem is expected to become easier to solve. For a given protein sequence, distribution of its subsequences over the clusters is the feature vector which is subsequently fed to a classifier. The most important aspect if this approach is the use of spectral clustering based on modified string edit distance.


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Citation Formats
P. Bezek, “A clustering method for the problem of protein subcellular localization,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2006.