Consequentialist versus deontological ethical dispositions of Turkish banking sector managers : comparing a public and a private bank

Karaoğlu (Kırbaşlı), Dilşad
The aim of this thesis is to see in a descriptive manner, whether there is a difference in the ethical disposition of public and private banking sector managers in Türkiye, according to two ethical theories: consequentialism (based on the consequences of the action) and deontologism (based on principles). The study analyzes the preferences of the managers both in the way of thinking and acting to see whether people act consistently with their way of thinking. The degree of validity of consequentialism/deontologism dichotomy and the daptability of these western theories to the Turkish context are also analyzed. Two hypotheses have been formed: private sector managers, young and male managers tend to be more consequentialist whereas public sector managers, elderly and female managers have a tendency toward deontologism. These hypotheses were tested on 58 managers working in the headquarters in Ankara (34 in the public, 24 in the private sector) through vignettes and interviews as data collection methods. As a result of the ANOVA analysis and content analysis performed on the data, private sector managers and male managers seem to be more consequentialist and they are consistent in their way of thinking and acting, but public sector managers, elderly and female managers do not have a tendency toward deontologism. The semistructured interviews showed that the level of awareness of the term ethics was low. Due to radical changes in social values in the last two decades in Türkiye, contradictory values co-exist. The suitability of the consequentialist/deontological dichotomy may be questioned for Türkiye.


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Citation Formats
D. Karaoğlu (Kırbaşlı), “Consequentialist versus deontological ethical dispositions of Turkish banking sector managers : comparing a public and a private bank,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2006.