Analysis of fiber reinforced composite pressure vessels

Katırcı, Nuran


Analysis of slot coupled microstrip patch antennas
Ballıkaya, Elif; Aydın Çivi, Hatice Özlem; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2007)
Method of Moments (MoM)/Green’s function formulation is developed for the analysis of electromagnetic radiation from planar rectangular microstrip antennas with different feeding techniques. Investigated structures are microstrip line fed patch antenna, proximity coupled patch antenna and slot coupled patch antenna. For all these structures equivalent problems are defined. Then, integral equations where currents are the unknowns are obtained from boundary conditions and by using spectral domain representati...
Analysis of thick meanderline polarisers
Uçkun, Savaş; Ege, Tuncay; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1992)
Analysis of structural glazing systems
Vallabhan, CVG; Aşık, Mehmet Zülfü; Kandil, K (1997-10-01)
Exterior glazing has been popular in commercial buildings especially in multistory buildings; the glass panels are bonded to the exterior of the building by silicone sealants. Thus, the glazing is identified as ''structural glazing''. Of all the structural glazing systems, the four sided support system is the most critical one. As the glass panels are designed to withstand lateral wind pressures, and when the lateral deflection of the panels increases more than its thickness, the glass plates behave nonline...
Analysis of structural wall systems
Bahat, Hakan Bahadır; Polat, Uğur; Department of Civil Engineering (1998)
Analysis of Composite Structures Involving Near-Zero-Index Materials
Koyaz, Yesim; İbili, Hande; Karaosmanoglu, Bariscan; Ergül, Özgür Salih (2019-01-01)
We consider numerical solutions of electromagnetic problems involving near-zero-index materials with permittivity and/or permeability values close to zero. These types of problems are inherently multiscale due to the large variety of the wavelength from very large values to ordinary values in the same problem. In addition to developing a stable formulation for extreme values of the intrinsic impedance, we employ a broadband multilevel fast multipole algorithm based on approximate diagonalization for efficie...
Citation Formats
N. Katırcı, “Analysis of fiber reinforced composite pressure vessels,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.