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Finite element modeling of electromagnetic radiation
Özgün, Özlem
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The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a powerful numerical method to solve wave propagation problems for open-region electromagnetic radiation/scattering problems involving objects with arbitrary geometry and constitutive parameters. In high-frequency applications, the FEM requires an electrically large computational domain, implying a large number of unknowns, such that the numerical solution of the problem is not feasible even on state-of-the-art computers. An appealing way to solve a large FEM problem is to employ a Domain Decomposition Method (DDM) that allows the decomposition of a large problem into several coupled subproblems which can be solved independently, thus reducing considerably the memory storage requirements. In this thesis, two new domain decomposition algorithms (FB-DDM and ILF-DDM) are implemented for the finite element solution of electromagnetic radiation/scattering problems. For this purpose, a nodal FEM code (FEMS2D) employing triangular elements and a vector FEM code (FEMS3D) employing tetrahedral edge elements have been developed for 2D and 3D problems, respectively. The unbounded domain of the radiation/scattering problem, as well as the boundaries of the subdomains in the DDMs, are truncated by the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) absorber. The PML is implemented using two new approaches: Locally-conformal PML and Multi-center PML. These approaches are based on a locally-defined complex coordinate transformation which makes possible to handle challenging PML geometries, especially with curvature discontinuities. In order to implement these PML methods, we also introduce the concept of complex space FEM using elements with complex nodal coordinates. The performances of the DDMs and the PML methods are investigated numerically in several applications.
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Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
Ö. Özgün, “Finite element modeling of electromagnetic radiation,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2007.