Is Germany an emerging power in tems of security parameters after reunification?

Çelimli, İbrahim Turgut


Is flexicurity suitable for turkish labour market or not?
Hangün, Saime Özlem; Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel; Çelik, Kezban; Department of Sociology (2010)
Standard employment definitions have begun to change with the impact of globalization and new concepts such as part-time work, freelance, on-call work, temporary work, fixed-term labour contracts have started to be demanded in the labour market. These new definitions which were determined in order to keep pace with new competitive market environment paved the way of new trends in various countries. Flexicurity is one of these trends which is mostly favoured in European Union agenda. The purpose of this thes...
Is there an interest rate channel for monetary policy in Turkey?
Erdoğan, Seyfettin; Yıldırım, Durmuş Çağrı (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2010-12)
The changes in monetary authority’s decisions may affect the behavior of economic agents and thus the level of aggregate demand. Namely; a change in the short term interest rate is made by the central bank directly affects the user cost of capital and firms’ decisions about investment expenditure. In the monetary policy literature, this mentioned process is defined as the interest rate channel. To guide policy makers it is important to investigate whether interest rate channel operates. Determination of the...
Is Gender Still an Issue for Parents’ Toy Preferences for Their Sons and Daughters?
Erden, Feyza (null; 2012-09-15)
Males and females are socialized diff erently. Children, beginning from the very early years of their lives, learn what females and males are supposed to be like and what they are supposed to do. Because of gender socialization, boys and girls grow up in diff erent psychological environments that shape their view of the world and their ways of dealing with problems (Zimbardo, 1992). A child makes the first interaction with her parents. Therefore, parents have the major impact on their children’s learning to...
Is Gender Still an Issue for Parents’ Toy Preferences for Their Sons and Daughters?
Erden, Feyza (2012-09-15)
Is currency seigniorage exogenous for inflation tax in Turkey?
Özmen, Erdal (1998-04-01)
This paper discusses the implications of the validity of the conditioning hypothesis for the maintained money demand equation for an inflation tax analysis. We also test the validity of the quantity-theoretical inflation tax model for the post-1980 quarterly Turkish data by using Johansen cointegration techniques. The results suggest that the tax rate (inflation) is weakly exogenous for the parameters of the long-run money demand (tax base) equation. This result, consistent with a Keynesian endogenous seign...
Citation Formats
İ. T. Çelimli, “Is Germany an emerging power in tems of security parameters after reunification?,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.