Economic development and changes in fundamentalist movements: The Case of Muslim Brotherhood

Ateş, Davut


Economic growth and technological progress in Turkey: An analysis of Schumpeterian mechanisms
Attar, M. Aykut (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2017-8)
This paper studies a second-generation Schumpeterian model to understand the nature of technological progress and economic growth in Turkey. It identifies some structural parameters numerically and tests whether certain Schumpeterian mechanisms work. Results show that both horizontal (product) and vertical (process) innovation channels operate as determined in theory. However, the pace at which vertical (process) innovation occurs is extremely low, implying that its contribution to long-run productivit...
Economic reforms and women's empowerment in Saudi Arabia
Topal Yılmaz, Aylin (Elsevier BV, 2019-09-01)
Saudi Arabia has made headlines with its drive to "modernize the economy" and implement the structural reforms needed to realize the country's "Vision 2030". At the same time, recent "pro-women reforms" have been praised in the international media. This study problematizes these parallel processes, in order to trace the implications of Vision 2030 for "women's empowerment" in Saudi Arabia. Examining this process is particularly important in Saudi Arabia where gender regime has long been based on male suprem...
Economic Developments in the Republican People’s Party Era, 1923-1950
Şeker, Nesim ( ANADOLU UNIVERSITY, 2019-01-01)
Economic Growth and Foreign Investment Are MENA Countries Different From Others
Danışoğlu, Seza; Güner, Zehra Nuray (null; 2006-01-08)
Economic Crises in Turkey and Pathways to the Future
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat (2015-04-03)
This paper investigates the Turkish economy within a comparative historical framework. In light of a thorough discussion of Turkish economic crises in the post-1980 period, the paper explores Turkey's contemporary strengths and weaknesses in the global economic arena by comparing it with its peers and developed nations. The paper also highlights Turkey's extant economic vulnerabilities, especially its current account deficit, volatile international capital flows and ongoing banking sector problems. Along wi...
Citation Formats
D. Ateş, “Economic development and changes in fundamentalist movements: The Case of Muslim Brotherhood,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.