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Effects of collars on scour reduction at bridge abutments
Doğan, Abdullah Ercüment
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Bridge failures are generally resulted from scour of the bed material around bridge piers and abutments during severe floods. In this study, scour phenomenon around bridge abutments and collars, located at abutments as scour countermeasures, were experimentally studied. The experimental study was carried out under clear-water scour conditions with uniform non-cohesive sediment (having a grain size diameter of d50=0.90 mm). The experimental flume is a rectangular channel of 30 m long and 1.5 m wide filled with this erodible bed material. Based on the results of 97 experiments conducted during the study, the efficiency of various sizes of collars, which were used to reduce the local scour depth, located at different elevations around the abutments was determined. The results obtained were compared with previous studies, and the effect of the sediment grain size on the performance of abutment collars was emphasized. It was noticed that when the collar width was increased and placed at or below the bed level, the reduction in scour depth increases considerably. It was also found out that the change of the sediment size did not affect the optimum location of the collar at the abutment, which yields the maximum scour reduction around the abutment.
Subject Keywords
Civil engineering.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
A. E. Doğan, “Effects of collars on scour reduction at bridge abutments,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2008.