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Post-miocene tectonic evolution of Alidağ anticline, Adiyaman, Turkey
Seyrek, Emre
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Adıyaman region is situated within SE Anatolian Fold and Thrust Belt which is a part of Alpine-Himalayan Mountain Belt system. The Belt is evolved as Eurasian plate and Arabian plate amalgamates in SE Anatolia. There are two main contractional deformational periods, Late Cretaceous and Late Miocene, which are followed by a strike slip deformation, during post-Late Miocene characterizing the tectonics of SE Anatolia. Series of folds and thrusts have a trend of almost ENE-WSW direction. The analysis on bedding planes and folds shows around N70E trend. On the other hand, two overthrusts that are closely linked to the folds and a sinistral strike-slip fault with reverse component are differentiated. The overthrust belt with ENE-WSW trend bounds the study area from north with a vergence from north to south and situated on top of folded upper Miocene sequences. Another overthrust and a cross-cutting strike slip fault with reverse component Adıyaman Fault- form a “pop-up” structure (positive flower structure) which is characteristic for in a transpressional regimes manifested in geological cross-sections done from borehole correlations and seismic sections. To conclude, by combining the surface (field data) and subsurface data (seismic and borehole data), the Alidağ anticlinal structure that is formed along the Adıyaman Fault are developed after the Late Miocene under transpressional regime.
Subject Keywords
Geological engineering.
Structural Geology.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
E. Seyrek, “Post-miocene tectonic evolution of Alidağ anticline, Adiyaman, Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2008.