Perception values of local users for urban identity elements in Ankara Atatürk Boulevard

Abacı, Ezgi
There are many components which define and complete the urban spaces. One of these components is urban equipment which responds to the needs of the dweller by serving different purposes and creates a link between urban life and public life style. Urban equipment not only enables the interaction between urban spaces and the users of these places, but also has an efficient role in defining the cities’ quality and “identity”. Ankara, as the capital city of the Turkish Republic, has had an important mission throughout its history. But although it is the first planned city of the Turkish Republic, Ankara has become a victim of modernization and rapid and unplanned urbanization. As a result of this situation Ankara started to lose its own values. The main purpose of this thesis is, to identify the roles of urban equipment as a visual image, based on the perception of environmental spaces and creating urban identity. The methodology in this thesis is firstly determining the urban equipment on Atatürk Boulevard which lies between Ulus and Kuğulu Park which is the center line of Ankara and then questioning their effects on the urban identity. For this reason a questionnaire is applied to the local users and then according to this questionnaire’s results, urban equipment’s values as an urban identity element are analyzed. As a result of this study, urban equipments on Atatürk Boulevard and their positive and negative values are determined. Therefore, how they are perceived by the local users and their contribution to the spatial and urban identity is determined.


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Citation Formats
E. Abacı, “Perception values of local users for urban identity elements in Ankara Atatürk Boulevard,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2009.