Design and implementation of spatiotemporal databases

Sözer, Aziz
Modeling spatiotemporal data, in particular fuzzy and complex spatial objects representing geographic entities and relations, is a topic of great importance in geographic information systems, computer vision, environmental data management systems, etc. Because of complex requirements, it is challenging to design a database for spatiotemporal data and its features and to effectively query them. This thesis presents a new approach for modeling, indexing and querying the spatiotemporal data of fuzzy spatial and complex objects and/or spatial relations. As a case study, we model and implement a meteorological application in an intelligent database architecture, which combines an object-oriented database with a knowledge base.


Modeling and querying fuzzy spatiotemporal databases
Sözer, Aziz; Yazıcı, Adnan; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Taş, Osman (Elsevier BV, 2008-10)
Modeling spatiotemporal data, in particular fuzzy and complex spatial objects representing geographic entities and relations, is a topic of great importance ill geographic information systems, computer vision, environmental data management systems, etc. Because of complex requirements, it is challenging to represent spatiotemporal data and its features in databases and to effectively query them. This article presents a new approach to model and query the spatiotemporal data of fuzzy spatial and complex obje...
Indexing Fuzzy Spatiotemporal Data for Efficient Querying: A Meteorological Application
Sozer, Aziz; Yazıcı, Adnan; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S. (2015-10-01)
Spatiotemporal data, in particular fuzzy and complex spatial objects representing geographic entities and relations, is a topic of great importance in geographic information systems and environmental data management systems. For database researchers, modeling and designing a database of fuzzy spatiotemporal data and querying such a database efficiently have been challenging issues due to complex spatial features and uncertainty involved. This paper presents an integrated approach to modeling, indexing, and ...
Querying Fuzzy Spatiotemporal Databases: Implementation Issues
Soezer, Aziz; Yazıcı, Adnan; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Petry, Frederick E. (2010-01-01)
Modeling and querying spatiotemporal data, in particular fuzzy and complex spatial objects representing geographic entities and relations are challenging topics that have many applications in geographic information systems. In a recent article the authors have presented an approach to these problems. The present chapter focuses on the issues that arise from implementing this approach. As a case study the implementation of a meteorological database application that combines an object-oriented database with a...
Design and implementation of a plug-in framework for distributed object technologies
Kadıoğlu, Koray; Doğru, Ali Hikmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2006)
This thesis presents a framework design and implementation that enables run-time selection of different remote call mechanisms. In order to implement an extendable and modular system with run-time upgrading facility, a plug-in framework design is used. Since such a design requires enhanced usage of run-time facilities of the programming language that is used to implement the framework, in this study Java is selected because of its reflection and dynamic class loading facilities. A sample usage of this frame...
Verification of Modular Diagnosability With Local Specifications for Discrete-Event Systems
Schmidt, Klaus Verner (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013-09-01)
In this paper, we study the diagnosability verification for modular discrete-event systems (DESs), i.e., DESs that are composed of multiple components. We focus on a particular modular architecture, where each fault in the system must be uniquely identified by the modular component where it occurs and solely based on event observations of that component. Hence, all diagnostic computations for faults to be detected in this architecture can be performed locally on the respective modular component, and the obt...
Citation Formats
A. Sözer, “Design and implementation of spatiotemporal databases,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2010.