Effect of discharge channel bottom elevation on scour downstream of a spillway.

Yılmaz, Şahnur


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Effect of sediment size and spillway height on local scour downstream of a dam
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Effect of Pier Inclination Angle on Local Scour Depth Around Bridge Pier Groups
Bozkuş, Zafer; DINCER, A. Ersin (2018-10-01)
The primary objective of this study is to investigate experimentally local scours around bridge pier groups at various inclination angles of piers and also to develop empirical local scour depth equations. In the study, two bridge pier groups are used. In each pier group, the most upstream and downstream piers are placed in an inclined manner at 10 degrees and 15 degrees. The vertical case was also employed for comparison purposes. Seventy-two experiments each lasting 6 h are conducted under uniform-flow an...
Effects of inclination of bridge piers on scouring depth
Bozkuş, Zafer (2004-08-01)
For a safe design of a bridge pier footing, it is important to estimate the maximum depth of scour as accurately as possible. The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the effects of inclination of bridge piers on local scour depths around bridge piers. Single circular piers inclined toward the downstream direction were founded in a uniform bed material. Near threshold conditions were employed. The results of this study indicate that the local scour depth decreases as the inclination of the pier ...
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Citation Formats
Ş. Yılmaz, “Effect of discharge channel bottom elevation on scour downstream of a spillway.,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.