An evaluation of the reform process in the Turkish prison system: role of the international and European norms and prisoners’ complaints

Takıl, Gizem
This thesis analyzes the reforms in Turkish Prison System in the light of the international standards and accession to the European Union. The standards and Turkey’s efforts to comply with the requirements of those standards are handled in historical order. The process, reasons and initiators of the change are evaluated in the thesis. In order to understand if the process is shaped by a top down or a bottom up effect, criticisms of the Council of Europe and the European Union, and petitions of the prisoners sent to Human Rights Investigation Committee of the Turkish Grand National Assembly are examined.


An analysis of homeownership profile of Turkey
Koşar, Gizem; Kırdar, Murat G.; Department of Economics (2009)
This thesis analyzes the tenure choice behavior of Turkish household heads over the period between 1985 and 2000, using a method of logit. The probability of owning the housing unit an individual lives in, is modeled by using demographic, labor market, migrational characteristics of the household head and the provincial differences as the explanatory variables. The results show that age and education of the household heads are positively correlated with probability of homeownership and they are the most inf...
A critical reading of the discourses of europeanization and multi-level
Öner, Nilgün; Yalman, Osman Galip; Department of European Studies (2004)
This thesis analyzes the transformation of the European Nation State and the effects of the discourses on Europeanization and Governance on the European Union Integration process. European policies had penetrated into the political systems of its member states as a result of European Integration process. As a result, discourses on Europeanization changed domestic political structures and modes of governance. This process of Europeanization requires a new system of governance and the recent debates are shape...
The Role of the EU in Turkey's Legislative Reforms for Eliminating Violence against Women: A Bottom-Up Approach
Ozdemir, Burcu (2014-01-01)
This paper analyses Turkey's legislative reforms on violence against women (VAW) with particular focus on the European Union (EU) role and impact in triggering the reform process. By using a bottom-up Europeanization approach, the paper traces the reform process from the 1980s up until 2005 in terms of the interaction of external and domestic factors. The empirical evidence shows that the impact of external factors (be it the EU accession process or the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Fo...
A critical assessment of the European Commission’s civil society discourse and the social platform of European NGOs
Kutay, Rıza Acar; Ertuğrul, Kürşad; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2011)
The dissertation engages in a critical analysis of the involvement of the Brusselsbased European NGOs in European governance. It conducts a survey on the European Commission’s relevant initiatives after the 1990s and interrogates the implications of these initiatives on one of the prominent European NGO network, the Social Platform of European NGOs. The common understanding conceives of these organizations as conducive to democratization of EU governance within the scope of participatory democracy. However,...
Rights-based civil society organizations and democratization in Turkey
Tanca, Dersu Ekim; Alpan, Başak Zeynep; Department of European Studies (2019)
This thesis investigates the role of the rights-based civil society organizations in promoting democratization in Turkey. I consider rights-based civil society organizations as focal actors for democratization because they initiate, secure and advance democratic rule by upholding liberties and freedoms. From the late Ottoman period to the 198ights-based civil society organizations were absent. However, after the 1980s, they emerged to represent different right themes. By employing the existing literature on...
Citation Formats
G. Takıl, “An evaluation of the reform process in the Turkish prison system: role of the international and European norms and prisoners’ complaints,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.