Existence of continuous linear right inverse for linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients

Kaya, Müjdat


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Öztürk, Semra; Güloğlu, İsmail Ş.; Department of Mathematics (1987)
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Finashin, Sergey (2013-01-01)
We show that a generic real projective n-dimensional hypersurface of degree 2n-1 contains many real lines, namely not less than (2n-1)!!, which is approximately the square root of the number of complex lines. This estimate is based on the interpretation of a suitable signed count of the lines as the Euler number of an appropriate bundle.
Stability of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments of generalized type
Akhmet, Marat (Elsevier BV, 2008-02-15)
In this paper we continue to consider differential equations with piecewise constant argument of generalized type (EPCAG) [M.U. Akhmet, Integral manifolds of differential equations with piecewise constant argument of generalized type, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 66 (2007) 367-383]. A deviating function of a new form is introduced. The linear and quasilinear systems are under discussion. The structure of the sets of solutions is specified. Necessary and Sufficient conditions for stability of the zero Solution are ob...
Citation Formats
M. Kaya, “Existence of continuous linear right inverse for linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients,” Middle East Technical University, 1998.