Representing centre-right or conservative right? The case of the Democratic Party in Turkey, 1970-1980

Ateş, Gülbin Ayşı
The Democratic Party which was established in 1970, splitting from the Justice Party will be analyzed within this thesis in terms of its ideological components. In this sense, centre right wing and conservative political parties are taken into account to understand the ideology of the party. The period of the Democratic Party is so sufficient to compare and contrast the ideologies of different parties. The Democratic Party is also critical as the party did not participate into any governments, different from the all parties at that period. So, it will show a centre right wing party’s reactions in the absence of patronage routes which is a difference from other members of the centre right wing tradition of the DP and the JP. The absence of the concrete ideological explanations, doctrines which can be observed as an handicap of the centre right wing will be analyzed whether the Democratic Party can overcome or not.


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Citation Formats
G. A. Ateş, “Representing centre-right or conservative right? The case of the Democratic Party in Turkey, 1970-1980,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2012.