An Inquiry into the architectural program of the contemporary airports

Kaya, Aslı
Architectural program of airports has evolved from being a mere transportation space into a “city” containing various activities along with transportation at its core. This thesis aims to discuss and criticize it, by arguing that the city and the airport are to be integrated by giving a special importance to the user (both the passenger and the inhabitant of the city). The discussion is focused on three dialectically related constituents of the program: Process, User and Product (building). Rather than the architectural design process generating the built form, process refers to the influential actors in shaping the space of airport. User refers to both the active and passive actors of the organization of space. Product denotes the space itself, transformed according to the wishes and demands of both the user and the mode of production. These constituents are accepted as significant factors in the development of the airport architectural program in a way to answer the requirements of the integration with the city. In contemporary airports, users do not have enough rights over the space to be able to show their existence against the domination of capital's spaces. Therefore, this thesis proposes an alternative airport architectural program integrating the airport with the city by placing the user at the center.


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Citation Formats
A. Kaya, “An Inquiry into the architectural program of the contemporary airports,” M.Arch. - Master of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, 2012.