Turkey’s transboundary water policy : dominance of the realist paradigm?

Yakar, Funda
Water is the most vital natural resource on the earth both for human and other species to survive. However, water is a scarce resource like other natural resources. Along with its essentiality for living things and natural life, water has been a key element for development in recent years. Rapid population growth, industrialization, global warming and climate change exacerbate water scarcity and water related conflicts especially in arid and semi-arid parts of the world. Therefore, water problem increasingly dominates international relations and foreign politics of countries which brings about the exigency of water politics. This thesis focuses on Turkey’s transboundary water policy and aims to examine to what extent realism, one of the grand theories of the international relations discipline, is dominant on Turkish transboundary water politics. Realist paradigm is dominant over Turkey’s transboundary water politics; however, there are a certain number of exceptions.


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Citation Formats
F. Yakar, “Turkey’s transboundary water policy : dominance of the realist paradigm?,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2013.