Application of geographic information system in earthquake loss estimates

Nuraliyev, Iskander


Application of network based planning methods in Turkey state railways (TCDD).
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Application of Machine Learning for Dragline Failure Prediction
TAGHIZADEH, Amir; Demirel, Nuray (2017-04-26)
Overburden stripping in open cast coal mines is extensively carried out by walking draglines. Draglines’ unavailability and unexpected failures result in delayed productions and increased maintenance and operating costs. Therefore, achieving high availability of draglines plays a crucial role for increasing economic feasibility of mining projects. Applications of methodologies which can forecast the failure type of dragline based on the available failure data not only help to reduce the maintenance and oper...
Application of data radio systems within real-time differantial gps for local and regional surveying.
Güçlüer, Birol; Türker, Mustafa; Lenk, Onur; Department of Geodetic and Geographical Information Technologies (2002)
Application of hydrologic modelling on watershed
Eren, Derya; Kılınç, Y. Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (1987)
Application of Snowmelt Runoff Model Using remote sensing and geographic information systems
Kaya, Hüseyin Ilgaz; Şorman, A. Ünal; Department of Civil Engineering (1999)