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European Union innovativeness from the perspective of systems of innovation and complex systems
Çetinkaya, Umut Yılmaz
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This study analyzes the innovativeness of European Union. Literature related with complex systems, Systems of Innovation, network studies, Framework Programmes and European Research Area will be used to establish a theoretical framework for a policy analysis to increase the innovativeness of European Union. First of all, this Thesis analyzes system dimension of Systems of Innovation in terms of complex systems. Secondly, it forms a database from Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS), Innovation Union Scoreboard, and Regional Innovation Scoreboard data to establish a European Research and Innovation Network, appearing as a result of policy and programme implementations at the European level; investigates this network in terms of the metric developed in the Thesis in order to analyze whether it is a complex system or not. Finally, the innovativeness of European Union is discussed for developing policy recommendations, benefiting from the analytical studies, derived from network analysis and notion of entropy, and theoretical discussions on complex systems, Systems of Innovation, and network studies. Consequently, it is found that implementation of a relatively simple rule by European Commission, in addition to policies focusing on development of diversity and absorptive capacity of countries and/or regions may make important contribution to improve the cohesion and competitiveness of European Research Area, as well as the innovativeness of European Union.
Subject Keywords
Technological innovations
Research and development projects
Research and development partnership
System analysis.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
U. Y. Çetinkaya, “European Union innovativeness from the perspective of systems of innovation and complex systems,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2014.