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Identifying determinants of pro-environmental behaviours : a case for climate change
Hiğde, Emrah
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The aim of the present study is in twofold: (1) to explore pre-service science teacher‘s knowledge about climate change, environmental attitudes (ecocentric and anthropocentric), epistemic beliefs regarding climate change, uncertainty beliefs about the reality of anthropogenic climate change and pro environmental behaviors towards climate change and (2) to investigate the significant determinants of pro-environmental behaviors towards climate change. Data collected from 1277 pre-service science teachers through knowledge and confidence in one‘s knowledge about climate change scale, environmental attitude (ecocentric and anthropocentric) scale, topic specific epistemic beliefs scale, uncertainty beliefs scale and pro-environmental behavior scale and analyzed using path analysis. Results indicated that ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes, epistemic beliefs regarding climate change and uncertainty beliefs about the reality of anthropogenic climate change significantly predict pre-service science teachers‘ pro-environmental behavior towards climate change. However, knowledge about climate change was not found to significantly predictor of pro-environmental behavior among pre-service science teachers.
Subject Keywords
Environmental protection
Climatic changes
Student teachers
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
E. Hiğde, “Identifying determinants of pro-environmental behaviours : a case for climate change,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2014.