Russia’s relations with Germany since 2000: energy vs. political dynamics

Kılıç, Hakan
This thesis aims to analyze the relationship between Russia and Germany since 2000s in the context of energy and it adds the query if the dependency to Russian energy sources will make Germany, politically vulnerable, as a state to Russia. The context of the thesis includes: Russo-German interaction, potential of energy cooperation, political disputes between two states, economical dependency and alternative energy sources. Furthermore, the thesis looks forward to trace the roots of integrated partnership between Russia and Germany throughout the history and the reasons of cooperation in post 2000 period. This thesis argues that despite the skepticism, the political/economical relations create mutual interdependency for Russia and Germany, and they have influence over each other. Moreover, they have common interests from the cooperation, so political disputes will not put an end to the collaboration of Russia and Germany. There are six parts in this thesis. After the introduction, the second chapter examines the roots of Russo-German relationship, a general (political, economical, social) look to both states and the current political dynamics between these states that affecting the affairs. While the third chapter explains the underlying reasons for Germany’s energy needs, Russian’s role to that, and cooperation alongside with the political outcomes, fourth chapter focuses on the suspicions on Russia’s political reliability. Fifth chapter investigates the German impact on Russian economy and possibility of replacing Russian natural gas with alternative sources for Germany. The final part is the conclusion.


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Citation Formats
H. Kılıç, “Russia’s relations with Germany since 2000: energy vs. political dynamics,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2015.