Bell-like inequalities in quantum information theory

Seskir, Zeki Can
Bell and Bell-like inequalities are essentil tools for identifying and inspecting quantum entanglement, a key phenomenon in quantum information theory. As the development of Quantum Information Theory progresses more and more Bell-like inequalities are formulated. An investigation of these and further inequalities will be given in their correspondences to Bell's and Kochen-Specker theorems. Also Hardy's test will be studied and particular applications of it for bipartitre and tripartite systems are going to be probed.


Quantum Information Approach to Correlations in Many-body Systems
Aksak, Çağan; Turgut, Sadi; Department of Physics (2022-9-21)
Quantum correlations are crucial features in both quantum information theory and many-body physics. Characterization and quantification of quantum correlations have delivered a rich body of work and helped to understand some quantum phenomena. Entanglement is a unique quantum correlation for which it is a resource in many quantum information tasks. Developed for quantification of entanglement, entanglement witness formalism is a remarkable tool in the quantum information toolkit. It can be deployed beyond t...
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Dosi, Anar (2013-09-01)
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Weight discrimination of boolean functions with quantum computation
Uyanık, Kıvanç; Turgut, Sadi; Department of Physics (2014)
In this thesis, we investigate solvability of the weight decision problem of two Boolean functions by quantum computation. In particular, we study this problem first from a general quantum operator discrimination perspective and second from a direct algorithmic viewpoint. As quantum operator discrimination approach is concerned, we give two different formulations for two different cases. In one, the unitary transformations that correspond to the function evaluation are applied in a parallel fashion and in t...
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Multidimensional quantum tunnelling formulation of oxygen-16 and uranium-238 reaction
Ataol, Murat Tamer; Yılmaz, Osman; Department of Physics (2004)
Multidimensional quantum tunnelling is an important tool that is used in many areas of physics and chemistry. Sub-barrier fusion reactions of heavy-ions are governed by quantum tunnelling. However, the complexity of the structures of heavy-ions does not allow us to use simple one-dimensional tunnelling equations to and the tunnelling probabilities. Instead of this one should consider all the degrees of freedom which affect the phenomenon and accordingly the intrinsic structure or the deformation of the nucl...
Citation Formats
Z. C. Seskir, “Bell-like inequalities in quantum information theory,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2015.