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A Micromorphological study of Lathyrus l. (Leguminosae) species in Turkey
Mazaheri, Rodin
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This research study was carried out to determine the taxonomic value of micromorphological properties in the infrageneric delimitation of Lathyrus species found in Turkey. In the present study, first micromorphological characters of the leaf surface of 15 species (sect. Lathyrostylis) were analyzed by Light Microscope. Multivariate statistical approaches (for instance, Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA)) were used to evaluate the results. Among the eleven characters employed, stomata index of abaxial leaf surface, epidermal cell shape, and cell wall pattern of adaxial leaf surface were found to be discriminative among the species. Secondly, many more micromorphological characters of the leaf and calyx surfaces (32 in total) of 28 species (sect. Lathyrostylis, Orobus, Orobon, Pratensis, Clymenum, Lathyrus) were studied via Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). UPGMA based on quantitative characters of leaf and calyx tend to disagree with existing phylogenetic estimates of relationships. Perhaps environmental factors highly affecting quantitative characters blur the phylogenetic relationships of the species. However, based on qualitative data among 28 species of Lathyrus, 23 species have correctly been assigned to existing sections by the UPGMA. Meanwhile, character loading demonstrated seven characters to be the most important in differentiating and grouping species and sections. These were: epidermal cell shape, cell wall pattern, stomata position of both leaf surfaces and trichome type on the abaxial leaf surface. These characters can be used as micro markers to classify Lathyrus species at the sectional level. Also, to evaluate the exact relations of L. boissieri, L. haussknechtii, L. roseus, L. clymenum, L. pratensis with other species, further analyses is needed. L. haussknechtii is confirmed as a different species as was suggested recently by Çıldır, (2011).
Subject Keywords
Multivariate analysis.
Scanning electron microscopes.
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
R. Mazaheri, “A Micromorphological study of Lathyrus l. (Leguminosae) species in Turkey,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2016.