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Exploring the sense of belongingness and its relation to language preference across generations among Turkish immigrants in the united states
Arslan, Hüsnüye Neşe
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This study aims to explore the degree of sense of belongingness towards Turkish and American Identity and its influence on the language preference of Turkish immigrants living in the U.S. The study included 98 first generation, 80 second generation and 77 newly arrived Turkish immigrants who were living or working in the state of New York. A mixed method research design was adopted with a questionnaire and interviews. Quantitative data was collected online through social media and contacting Turkish societies and associations in New York. The data was analyzed through SPSS 20. The qualitative data were gathered via interviews conducted with six first generation, five second generation and five newly arrived Turkish immigrants. The qualitative data was transcribed and analyzed in accordance with the Content Analysis (Strauss & Corbin,2008; Saldaña, 2009). The results of the data analysis indicated a significant positive relationship between sense of belongingness to Turkish identity and language preference. Regarding the differences among the generations, the results revealed that the first generation Turkish immigrants have a significantly stronger sense of belongingness to Turkish identity than the second generation immigrants. The second generation immigrants were reported to have the strongest sense of belongingness to American identity, but also feel belonged to the Turkish identity. Additionally, findings of the study showed a significant difference between language preference of first and second generation immigrants. No significance was found between length of residence and sense of belongingness to Turkish identity or language preference in various contexts and daily activities.
Subject Keywords
English language.
Turkish language.
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Thesis
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Citation Formats
H. N. Arslan, “Exploring the sense of belongingness and its relation to language preference across generations among Turkish immigrants in the united states,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2016.