Computer assisted lay-out design of concrete gravity dams

Seçkiner, H. Göktuğ


Computer Assisted Lay-out Design of Concrete Gravity Dams
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Özkaya, Emrah Utku; Yanmaz, Ali Melih; Department of Civil Engineering (2015)
Tyrolean weir is a type of water intake structure in which water is taken into the channel by bottom racks built on the stream bed. It is generally preferred in order to divert water to run-off river plants on mountainous regions with steep slopes where bed sediment concentration is rather high. In this study; a literature research is conducted in terms of assumptions, approaches, and different calculation methods used for designing a Tyrolean type of intake structure. Broadly accepted and tested design stu...
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Aksaray, Oğuz Altuğ; Keyder, Engin; Department of Civil Engineering (2001)
Citation Formats
H. G. Seçkiner, “Computer assisted lay-out design of concrete gravity dams,” Middle East Technical University, 1999.