Fatma Toksoy Köksal

Department of Geological Engineering
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science Researcher ID
Çank Çömlekte Petrografik Yöntemler
Biler, Ceren Nur; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (Zero To Three, 2024-11-01)
İzmir İl Merkezindeki Toprağın Jeokimyasal ve Mineralojik Özelliklerinin Sağlık Açısından Risk Değerlendirmesindeki Önemi
Kılıç, Atilla; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2024-04-18)
İzmir il nüfusunun yaklaşık %25'ini oluşturan Bayraklı, Bornova ve Konak olmak üzere üç ilçeden alınan toprak ve kayaç örneklerinin jeokimyasal özellikleri bu ilçelerin bazı bölgelerinde insanlar için potansiyel sağlık ...
İzmir Kent Merkezinin Toprakları İçin Sağlık Riski Değerlendirmesi
Kılıç, Atilla; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2024-03-08)
The geochemical characteristics of soil horizons and specific rock types in the vicinity of Izmir city center were studied for interpretation to see the possible health risk associated with geogenic control. The purpose of...
İzmir İl Merkezinin Jeokimyasal ve Tıbbi Jeolojik Özellikleri
Kılıç, Atilla; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma; Köksal, Serhat (2023-7-29)
Middle Permian basic and acidic volcanism in the Istanbul zone (NW Turkey): evidence for post-variscan extensional magmatism
Babaoglu, Cumhur; Topuz, Gültekin; Okay, Aral I.; Koksal, Serhat; Wang, Jia-Min; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2023-03-01)
The Istanbul Zone (NW Turkey) forms the eastward extension of Avalonia and was subjected to deformation, uplift and erosion for a time period of 40-50 Ma following the collision with the Sakarya Zone during Early to Late C...
Tracing the protoliths of the garnet amphibolitic and retrogressed eclogitic slices and a conceptual tectonic model for their emplacement onto the Central Menderes Massif, Turkey: New geochemical data and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry U-Pb zircon and rutile ages
Gürsu, Semih; Möller, Andreas; Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma; Küçük, Aynur; Köksal, Serhat (2023-02-01)
Role of Magmatism and Related-Exsolved Fluids during Ta-Nb-Sn Concentration in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt: Evidences from Mineral Chemistry and Fluid Inclusions
Abd El Monsef, Mohamed; Sami, Mabrouk; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma; Abart, Rainer; Ondrejka, Martin; Abdelfadil, Khaled M. (2023-01-01)
The rare metals of Abu Dabbab area in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt have been investigated for their mineralogy and conditions of precipitation using combination of EMPA and fluid inclusions studies, in order to deli...
Unraveling the Genesis of Highly Fractionated Rare-Metal Granites in the Nubian Shield via the Rare-Earth Elements Tetrad Effect, Sr-Nd and Mineral
Sami, Mabrouk; Monsef, Mohamed Abd El; Abart, Rainer; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma; Abdelfadil, Khaled M. (2022-09-01)
The rare-metal granites of the Nubian Shield are commonly associated with Nb-Ta and Sn mineralization. The magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of these granites and their relation to the Nb-Ta and Sn mineralization need fu...
Middle Permian calc-alkaline basalts and ferroan rhyolites in the Istanbul Zone, NW Turkey: Evidence for Permo-Triassic subduction
BABAOĞLU, CUMHUR; TOPUZ, GÜLTEKİN; OKAY, ARAL; Köksal, Serhat; Wang, Jia-Min; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2022-03-25)
Determination Of Asbestos Using As A Construction Material On Public Buildings Between 1960-1980 And Its Importance In Terms Of Medical Geology
Dündar Mustafa, Deniz; Toksoy Köksal, Fatma (2021-05-24)
Asbest minerallerinin 20. yüzyılın başından itibaren pek çok alanda özellikle de yapı malzemelerinde kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. Fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinin uygunlukları sebebiyle izolasyon amacıyla yaygın olarak y...
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