Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Conference / Seminar

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Entity Type
Publication (575)

Has File(s)
No (535)
Yes (39)

Gündüz, Ufuk (40)
Leloğlu, Uğur Murat (30)
Ermiş, Muammer (27)
Demirekler, Mübeccel (24)
Ertan, Hulusi Bülent (23)

Biochemistry (7)
Molecular biology (7)
Power quality (7)
Testing (6)
Calibration (5)

Date Issued
1992 - 1999 (48)
2000 - 2009 (154)
2010 - 2019 (305)
2020 - 2024 (67)

Item Type
Conference Paper (532)
Presentation (2)
Conference (1)
Workshop (1)

Recent Submissions

Digital Urban Culture Between Sustainability and Creativity: Flagship Projects of Dar-ül Mulk for Cultural Tourism
Topçuoğlu, Feyza (2024-08-30)
Experimental investigation of dynamic failure in fabric curved composite laminates under pure shear loading
Çevik, Ahmet; Yavass, Denizhan; Çöker, Demirkan (2024-01-01)
In this paper, an experimental investigation of the failure mechanism in fabric curved composite laminates having a stacking sequence of [(45/0)7/45/45/0/45] is presented. The curved beam specimens are manufactured from AS...
High Harmonic Generation via Cascaded Frequency-Doubling Under Sequential Active-Tuning
Asirim, Ö.E.; Kuzuoğlu, Mustafa (2024-01-01)
This study explores High Harmonic Generation (HHG) via cascaded active frequency-doubling (FD) by employing several stages of optically pumped semiconductor nanofilms. Due to their ultra-small volume, semiconductor nanofil...
Design of Hybrid AWLR-Based Filters Using Classical Cascade Synthesis Approach
Karahan, Yagmur; Yıldırım, Nevzat (2024-01-01)
This study presents the design of Acoustic-Wave-Lumped-Element Resonator (AWLR)-based filters using the classical cascade synthesis approach as a simpler and more practical method instead of the coupling matrix (CM)-based ...
Innovative Processing Techniques Unveil the Potential of Chickpea Aquafaba
Ateş, Elif Gökçen; Öztop, Halil Mecit; Tonyalı, Gökcem; ÖZVURAL, EMİN BURÇİN (2023-12-30)
Bursa Uludağ Turistik Oteli
Okumuş, Gökhan (2023-11-24)
Effects of Floating Rafts as Anti-Vortex Devices at Horizontal Intakes
Göğüş, Mustafa; Gökmener, Serkan (2023-11-14)
Air- entraining vortices created by swirling flows on intakes cause serious problems such as; increasing loss of hydraulic load and discharge at water intake structures, loss of efficiency, operational problems, cavitation...
The Republican-Ideology-Based Transportation Axis: Rapid Cultural Development of Istasyon Street, Konya
Topçuoğlu, Feyza (2023-10-12)
Preservice mathematics teachers' reasoning about data analysis: Balloon activity
Akar, Nazlı; Işıksal Bostan, Mine (2023-07-14)
Utilising gis for documentation, conservation, and sustainable management of middle east technical university campus in ankara as a modern period living heritage place
Bilgin Altlnoz, A.G.; Hallcl, T.; Turkfiliz, M.A.; Kara, Ersin; Kuş, F.; Çetiner, Meltem; Klsaer Koca, E.M.; Ozçaklr, O. (2023-06-24)
The Middle East Technical University (METU) Ankara Campus is one of the earliest and most prominent modern-period university campuses that resulted from an architectural competition in the 1960s in Turkey. However, METU Ca...
Politik Ekoloji Çağında Bir Eşik Olarak Kentsel Doğa
Tükenmez, Başak (2023-04-08)
Smart water chain: Immutable, distributed and decentralized water transaction ledgers
Satilmisoglu, Talat Kemal; Keskin, Huzur (2023-01-01)
Blockchain is a transactional data storage system where data can be stored reliably without the need for a central database or trusted authority. The data can be anything like financial transactions, supply chain processes...
Natural Language Processing for the Turkish Academic Texts in the Engineering Field: Key-Term Extraction, Similarity Detection, Subject/Topic Assignment
Kat, Bora (2023-01-01)
The information retrieved from texts plays crucial roles in many aspects. Although there are significant attempts on natural language processing for various types of texts in Turkish, none of them deals with academic texts...
20. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Bir Kentsel Doğa Parçası: Papazın Bağı
Tükenmez, Başak; Sökülmez, Buse Ezgi (2022-12-22)
Araştırma, nitelikli bir doğal koruma alanını ve ticari bir işletmeyi içeren doğa parçası olan Papazın Bağı’nın, 20. yüzyılın başından günümüze mikro tarihi, şekillenme ve dönüşüm süreçlerinin ‘kentsel doğa’ kavramı çerçev...
Propan dehidrojenasyonunda modifiye edilmiş hegzagonal bor nitrürün katalizör olarak kullanılması
Karaeyvaz, Mukaddes Candan; Sezgi, Naime Aslı; Çelik, Gökhan (2022-12-01)
Mimesis-Mimarlık Ilişkisi Üzerinden Üretilen Kültürel Teoriler: Mekan-Kültür İkilemini Doğa Üzerinden Meşrulaştıran Mesken
Topçuoğlu, Feyza (2022-11-17)
Mimarlık, kültürü kendi disiplini ile birleştirerek sosyo-kültürel boyutta kendini ve kültürü doğanın üzerine kurularak ve kopararak meşrulaştırmaya çalışır. Bu meşrutiyet mimarık disiplinindeki tarihsel süreç içerisinde k...
BIM Use in Retrofit Optimization for the Climate Change Mitigations and Adaptations Measures
Bıyık, Hatice; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2022-10-22)
Bio-Based Construction Materials for Bio-Circular Transition: A Brief Bibliometric Analysis
Bostancı Sabur, Hafize Büşra; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2022-10-22)
Analysis of Climate Change and Carbon Emissions from Buildings in the Built Environment
Bıyık, Hatice; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2022-09-02)
Circular economy within the built environment: Clustering the strategies for new buildings and existing building stock
Bostancı Sabur, Hafize Büşra; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2022-09-02)
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