Graduate School of Social Sciences, Conference / Seminar

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Entity Type
Publication (247)

Has File(s)
No (235)
Yes (12)

Atakuman, Çiğdem (27)
Aydınoğlu, Arsev Umur (17)
Kazak Berument, Sibel (17)
Tongo Overfield Shaw, Gizem (15)
Şahin Acar, Başak (14)

Biochemistry and molecular biology (3)
Child psychopathology (2)
Early childhood (2)
Metafor (2)
Organizational safety culture (2)

Date Issued
1997 - 1999 (2)
2000 - 2009 (1)
2010 - 2019 (105)
2020 - 2025 (139)

Item Type
Conference Paper (200)

Recent Submissions

Repositioning South Korea in the Japan-South Korea-US Trilateral Alliance: Opportunities and Challenges for the Next Decade
Sert, Kerim (2025-02-01)
Increasing the Achievement Rate of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by Using the Core Idea Innovation Policy Perspective Methodology and Its Practice, the Sector of Sectors
Öztürk, Ceyhan; Tansel, Aysıt; Erdil, Erkan (2024-12-20)
This study aims to share the author’s views on how the core idea innovation policy perspective methodology (CIIPPM) and its application, the sector of sectors (SOFSs), can increase the achievement rate of the Sustainable D...
Meksika’da Feminist Dış Politika ve Kadın Hareketlerinin Karar Alma Süreçlerine Katılımı
Akgemci, Esra (2024-12-20)
Küresel Dönüşümler Çağında Türkiye'nin Enerji Geçişi
Sert, Kerim (2024-12-16)
2023 Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimi Bağlamında Siyasal Yönelimler, Cinsiyetçilik, Algılanan Ayrımcılık ve Sistemi Meşrulaştırmanın İncelenmesi
Tekeli, Muhammed Refik; Erdem, Alper; Yeniçeri Kökdemir, Zuhal (2024-12-07)
An emergent picture of the West Anatolian Neolithization process during the Early Holocene
Atakuman, Çiğdem (2024-12-06)
The archaeological perspective of the Neolithic revolution in the Middle East
Atakuman, Çiğdem (2024-11-19)
Archaeometric Investigation of Neolithic Çatalhöyük Plaster Samples
Güzel, Ali; KARAMURAT, CANSU; Atakuman, Çiğdem; Akgül, Çağla (2024-11-08)
Palaeolithic origins of Southwest Asian Skull Cults
KARAMURAT, CANSU; Atakuman, Çiğdem (2024-11-08)
Pits, Pots and Bodies at Uğurlu Höyük: The Case of the Poly-Pod Box Pottery
Atakuman, Çiğdem; Erdem, Deniz; GEMİCİ, HASAN CAN; ERDOĞU, BURÇİN (2024-11-08)
Patterns of Neolithization in the Aegean: A synthesis of Material Culture and a-DNA Evidence
Atakuman, Çiğdem; KARAMURAT, CANSU; GEMİCİ, HASAN CAN; Koptekin, Dilek; Somel, Mehmet (2024-11-08)
Unravelling Cultural and Genetic Interactions during the Aegean Neolithization
Koptekin, Dilek; Aydoğan, Ayça; KARAMURAT, CANSU; ALTINIŞIK, NEFİZE EZGİ; Vural, Kıvılcım Başak; Kazancı, Duygu Deniz; Küçükakdağ Doğu, Ayça; Kaptan, Damla; GEMİCİ, HASAN CAN; Yüncü, Eren; UMURTAK, NURİYE GÜLSÜN; Duru, Refik; FİDAN, MUSTAFA ERKAN; ÇEVİK GÜÇYILMAZ, ÖZLEM; ERDOĞU, BURÇİN; KORKUT, TANER; Knüsel, Christopher J.; Haddow, Scott; Spencer Larsen, Clark; (2024-11-08)
The cost of dissent: A case from Turkish politics with the examination of social media reactions
Ersoy, Hilal; Özakay, Özgün; Karagenç, Kardelen (2024-10-23)
In March 2021, Turkey announced withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, a treaty adopted by the Council of Europe that sets legal standards to protect women from gender-based and domestic violence. Subsequently, supporter...
India’s Industrialisation Efforts during the Modi Era to Counterbalance China
Sert, Kerim (2024-10-16)
The Role of Central Asia in Türkiye’s Geopolitical Objectives
Sert, Kerim (2024-10-10)
Meksika’da ‘Dördüncü Dönüşüm’ Döneminde Sol Parti-Toplumsal Hareketler İlişkisi: Feminist Dış Politika Örneği Üzerinden Bir İnceleme
Akgemci, Esra (2024-09-29)
Family-Based Interventions for Children's Digital Media Use: A Systematic Review
Altıparmak, Nida (2024-09-18)
Aileye ait özellikler ve anne psikolojik sağlık ile akademik ilgi arasındaki ilişkide anneden algılanan ebeveyn davranışlarının aracı etkisi
Aydoğdu, Ezgi; DOĞAN, AYSUN; Şahin Acar, Başak; TAHİROĞLU, DENİZ; Kazak Berument, Sibel (2024-09-10)
Moderating Role of Emotion Expression Between Self Esteem and Self Regulation Under Ego Threat
Şahin, Seda Merve; Sümer, Nebi (2024-08-04)
Low self-esteem is generally seen as the cause of negative outcomes, however recent studies have shown that high self-esteem can also contribute to numerous undesirable outcomes, including self-regulation failure under cer...
The role of dietary choices and justice sensitivity in aggression permissiveness
Durğun, Enes; Şahin, Seda Merve; Cingöz Ulu, Banu; Akkuş, Ayça Işıl (2024-08-04)
In the current study, researchers look for a relationship between dietary status (choosing to be vegan, vegetarian, or not) and interpersonal aggression permissiveness since it is unclear whether vegans and vegetarians are...
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