Zana Ayşe Çıtak Aytürk

Department of International Relations
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Post-Kemalizm ve Laiklik: Bir Eleştiriyi Yeniden Düşünmek
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (İletişim Yayınevi, 2022-07-01)
The International in Turkish Islamist Thought
Yıldız, Tunahan; Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2022-01-01)
This study examines Islamist understanding of change in the international system by inquiring into the conception of the international in Turkish Islamist tradition. It relies on a discourse analysis of Islamist journals’ ...
Avrupa İslamı, Ulusal İslam(lar) ve Müslüman Konseyleri
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2021-05-01)
The Multiple Identities of the Middle East: A Case of Iraqi Turkmen Refugees in Turkey
Yıldız, Tunahan; Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2021-01-01)
This article is an attempt to contribute to the empirical literature on the multiple identities of the Middle East through an under-studied ethnic group that has occupied the margins of the Middle Eastern politics, namely ...
Secularism and National Identity in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Ergun Özbolat, Ayça; Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2020-08-01)
Transformation of the State-Religion Relationship under the AKP: The Case of the Diyanet
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (Zed Books, 2020-01-01)
The Limits of the Post-Kemalist Paradigm Critique of Secularism in Turkey
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (null; 2018-09-21)
National conceptions, transnational solidarities: Turkey, Islam and Europe
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2018-07-01)
In this article, I examine the interplay between the institutionalization of Islam in Europe and the transnationalism of Turkey's Directorate for Religious Affairs (Diyanet). Based on extensive fieldwork in Turkey, Austria...
Transnationalizing State? Turkey and Its Directorte for Religious Affairs
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (null; 2017-02-25)
Normatif Güç Olarak Avrupa Birliği ve Avrupa Komşuluk Politikası Fas ve Mısır Vaka Analizi
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2016-12-01)
This article aims to examine the European Union (EU) as a normative power in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) through case studies of Morocco and Egypt. The uniqueness of the EU as a distinct actor in...
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