Korkmaz, Ozgur
Cetin, Yasemin Yardimci
Yılmaz, Erdal


Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanoscale Ad Hoc Networks
Atakan, Baris; Akan, Ozgur B. (2010-06-01)
Recent developments in nanoscale electronics allow current wireless technologies to function in nanoscale environments. Especially due to their incredible electrical and electromagnetic properties, carbon nanotubes are promising physical phenomenon that are used for the realization of a nanoscale communication paradigm. This provides a very large set of new promising applications such as collaborative disease detection with communicating in-vivo nanosensor nodes and distributed chemical attack detection wit...
Phase sensitive detection of motor fault signatures in the presence of noise
Akin, Bilal; Toliyat, Hamid; Orguner, Umut; Rayner, Mark (2007-05-05)
In this paper, digital signal processor (DSP)-based phase-sensitive motor fault signature detection is presented. The implemented method has a powerful line current noise suppression capability while detecting the fault signatures. Because the line current of inverter driven motors involve low order harmonies, high frequency switching disturbances, and the noise generated by harsh industrial environment; the real-time fault analyses yield erroneous or fluctuating fault signatures. This situation becomes a s...
Noise path identification for vibro-acoustically coupled structures
Şerafettinoğlu, A. Hakan; Çalışkan, Mehmet; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2004)
Structures of machinery with practical importance, such as home appliances or transportation vehicles, can be considered as acoustically coupled spaces surrounded by elastic enclosures. When the structures of machinery are excited mechanically by means of prime movers incorporated into these structures through some elastic connections, generation of noise becomes an inevitable by-product. For noise control engineering purposes, a thorough understanding of emission, transmission and radiation of sound from s...
Modeling technology integration of teachers: the role of school climate and leadership
Yurttav, Hakkı; Kondakçı, Yaşar; Department of Educational Sciences (2020)
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between school climate, leadership and technology integration of teachers. The variables of the study were classified at three levels as school climate, leadership and technology integration. Within the scope of the study, teacher collaboration, trust in school principal and enabling school structure are the school climate based variables, and technology leadership is the leadership-based variable. The population of the study consists of teachers work...
Middle grade student's abilities in translating among representations of fractions
Kurt, Gönül; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2006)
The aim of the study is two fold: (1) to determine middle grade students̕ abilities in translating among representations of fractions concept and (2) to investigate the effect of grade level and gender on students̕ abilities in translating among representations. In this study the أTranslations among Representations Abilities Test (TRAT)ؤ was developed and used as a measuring instrument. The study was conducted in 19 randomly selected public elementary schools throughout Yenimahalle and Çankaya districts of ...
Citation Formats
O. Korkmaz, Y. Y. Cetin, and E. Yılmaz, “TREE DETECTION IN URBAN REGIONS FROM AERIAL IMAGERY AND DSM BASED ON LOCAL MAXIMA POINTS,” 2017, vol. 10190, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: